The Multi Pochette Accessoires is one of Louis Vuitton’s most sought-after bags in recent years. Since its initial inception, the bag has proved elusive. Ahead of its launch, Louis Vuitton implemented such an aggressive marketing strategy that it created a whirlwind of hype. Instagram was flooded with images of influencers showcasing the new must-have bag. The bag was sold out before it even hit the shelves with lengthy waitlists for any bags that did filter into stores or online.
To this day the Multi Pochette remains extremely difficult to find. There was a brief period toward the end of 2020 which saw it available to purchase online more frequently than in previous months. Since then it has largely been unavailable. I think this might have a lot to do with Louis Vuitton’s new approach to limiting the production of their classic canvas items in favour of leather pieces.
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